MotaAdmin - Bootstrap Laravel Admin Dashboard
This documentation is last updated on 05 August 2021.
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Quick Start -
Laravel has a set of requirements in order to run smoothly in specific environment. Please see requirements section in Laravel documentation.
MotaAdmin similarly uses additional plugins and frameworks, so ensure You have Composer installed on Your machine.
Assuming your machine meets all requirements - let's process to installation of MotaAdmin Laravel integration (skeleton).
- Open in cmd or terminal app and navigate to this folder
- Run following commands
composer install
cp .env.example .env
For Windows command line tool use copy command. For unix style - cp.
php artisan key:generate
For more information about the Laravel installation, check out on this link
Overview -
We Have Converted All MotaAdmin HTML templates In Laravel
File Structure -
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects.
We, at DexignLab, have implemented our admin dashboard application theme MotaAdmin with this amazing PHP framework for Laravel developers can concentrate on application and not caring much about theme-to-framework integration.
- motaadmin
- resources
- views
- app
- calender.blade.php
- profile.blade.php
- post_details.blade.php
- chart
- chartist.blade.php
- chartjs.blade.php
- flot.blade.php
- morris.blade.php
- peity.blade.php
- sparkline.blade.php
- dashboard
- index.blade.php
- index2.blade.php
- index3.blade.php
- index4.blade.php
- ecom
- checkout.blade.php
- customers.blade.php
- invoice.blade.php
- productdetail.blade.php
- productgrid.blade.php
- productlist.blade.php
- productorder.blade.php
- elements
- chat-box.blade.php
- footer.blade.php
- footer-scripts.blade.php
- header.blade.php
- header2.blade.php
- sidebar.blade.php
- errors
- 404.blade.php
- form
- editorsummernote.blade.php
- element.blade.php
- pickers.blade.php
- validationjquery.blade.php
- wizard.blade.php
- layout
- default.blade.php
- fullwidth.blade.php
- layout2.blade.php
- map
- jqvmap.blade.php
- message
- compose.blade.php
- inbox.blade.php
- read.blade.php
- page
- error400.blade.php
- error403.blade.php
- error404.blade.php
- error500.blade.php
- error503.blade.php
- forgot_password.blade.php
- lockscreen.blade.php
- login.blade.php
- register.blade.php
- table
- bootstrapbasic.blade.php
- datatablebasic.blade.php
- uc
- lightgallery.blade.php
- nestable.blade.php
- nouislider.blade.php
- select2.blade.php
- sweetalert.blade.php
- toastr.blade.php
- ui
- accordion.blade.php
- alert.blade.php
- badge.blade.php
- button.blade.php
- buttongroup.blade.php
- card.blade.php
- carousel.blade.php
- dropdown.blade.php
- grid.blade.php
- listgroup.blade.php
- mediaobject.blade.php
- modal.blade.php
- pagination.blade.php
- popover.blade.php
- progressbar.blade.php
- tab.blade.php
- typography.blade.php
- widget
- widget_basic.blade.blade.php
- app
- views
- public
- css
- icons
- images
- js
- scss
- vendor
- config
- dz.php
- app
- Http
- Controllers
- MotaadminController.php
- Controllers
- Http
- resources
Configuration -
MotaAdmin theme has a large variety of layout styles and settings. You can visually test them all in layout builder section. We also implemented this comprehensive layout configuration into our Laravel version of theme.
Configuration file config/dz.php
here all the css and js files are defined according to different pages.
You can include your js and css file set the theme layout to your needs by given possibility.
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